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3 most dangerous and unwanted ways of website promotion

Dan Kurskiy

Working for 12 years as a SEO specialist, I often deal in my practice with clients whose websites are put through search engine filters because of my not very competent colleagues. And it’s extremely difficult or even impossible to reanimate such websites.

If you use the services of website promotion agency and do not grudge time for reports review, please draw attention whether they have anything contained in this article. All of website promotion methods described below can inflict a serious financial damage to your business.

This article contains a description of the nowadays most common black hat SEO and describes its possible consequences and ways of elimination.

Paid links from exchanges

Any link should be natural and bring people benefits. Any link that you can buy on link exchange will be considered not natural by search engines with almost 100% probability and you’ll be punished for sure. The only question is how quickly this will happen.

If you see a description of the work with link exchanges in your marketing reports, I recommend you urgently beat the alarm. Your site is at risk and the longer you continue to pay for such links, the higher the probability of getting a filter from search engines.

If you were punished by Google

Consider that you need to buy a new domain name for your site. It's almost impossible to cancel the sanctions. Even if it works out - it will take a very long time (a year or even more), before your site will restore traffic from Google.

How to deal with the filter in Google: immediately delete all paid links, go to Google Search Console and use the Disavow Links Tool to mark all paid links as unwanted.

Regular posting of stupid articles that no one reads

Many companies add a lot of useless articles to their clients' websites every month, calling these actions the semantic kernel extension.

As a rule, yesterday's schoolchildren write such articles at a price of $ 1 per 1000 characters. For obvious reasons, such articles will never benefit people, and therefore both Yandex and Google have long slapped sanctions on this and do not hesitate to punish anyone.

Please note if such articles are added to your site. Read them and ask yourself if they will be useful for your customers and they will read them to the end. If the answer is no - immediately delete all such articles from your site.

If you were punished by Google

You can find this out only by a sharp drop in traffic from Google. Restore Google's trust after this will be almost impossible .

How to deal with the filter in Google: completely delete all useless articles. During the year, regularly add to your site a unique authorial and useful content.


Too frequent use of keywords in the text is practiced with a single purpose - to deceive the search engines. It is unlikely that you will write in your advertising booklet or article for media the following: "If you want to buy inexpensive PVC plastic windows with delivery included, then you are in the right place. Our PVC windows are of high quality. The price for PVC windows is inexpensive ... ", etc.

Revise all the texts on your site and if you find something similar - immediately delete. Just delete it. Let it be no text at all on the pages. It’s better. With due time, you will rewrite it and add text already focused not on robots, but on people.

The consequences and ways to deal with the filter in Google is similar, as in case of the useless text filter. The small difference is in the fact that the re-optimized text will have to be entirely rewritten, because texts are placed, as a rule, on important key pages of the site, which cannot just be deleted.

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